20 de April de 2018
New Programs in the Sun-Earth system

Scientific panel during COLAGE 2018

During COLAGE 2018, and for the first time, a panel about ‘New Programs in the Sun-Earth system’ took place. The main goal was to engage the scientific community of ALAGE to share its view and its expertise, toward acquiring new knowledge and input for defining future Space Geophysics science research programs. This activity is aligned to the Call for Feedback that a committee formed by SCOSTEP is making with the aim of determining its new scientific program (NSP), following the completion of the current VarSITI program at the end of this year.

This COLAGE panel were organized by Dr. Adriana Gulisano (UBA-IAA), Dr. Ana Elías (UNT-CONICET), Dr. María Graciela Molina (UNT-CONICET) and Dr. Sergio Dasso (UBA-CONICET) on behalf of the Latin American Association of Space Geophysics (ALAGE).

Three recognized experts from Latin America in complementary fields were invited to present their vision toward obtaining a roadmap and identifying the highest scientific priorities related to main research areas such as theoretical and numerical studies, ground-based and space data analysis, operational space weather, instrumentation and human resources training among others.

Dr. Juan Roederer (University of Alaska Fairbanks and University of Colorado), Dr. Mandrini, Cristina (IAFE, UBA-CONICET), Dr. De Nardini, Clezio (INPE) shared their view and analyzed several aspects about future in space research in Latin America.

Dr. Roederer pointed out the importance of strengthen basic physics research while Dr. De Nardini emphasized the need to boost human resources training. Dr. Mandrini showed the state of art about international efforts within the scientific community aligned to the aims of the panel. She also stressed out the importance of awareness about space weather from decision institutions such as governments.

Important questions and discussions took place between the scientific community present at the panel. Some of the exposed ideas can be summarize as the following:

  • Cosmic ray stations are an important base for space physics studies.
  • Support infrastructure, data storage and communications. New instrumentation deployment focusing in coordinated and extended coverage are needed.
  • Enhance technical and scientific staff training using modern pedagogical techniques.
  • Train young scientists and impulse early collaboration among them.
  • Collaboration within Latin America has to be enhanced through shared efforts in joint research projects and by supporting scientists and students mobility.
  • Enhance communication and general outreach to the society, specially at different education levels.

These ideas can be seen as a starting point to outline and to coordinate cross-disciplinary for future science based through international collaboration and to elaborate a recommendation for research funders, in the next coming years.

Dr. María Graciela Molina

Dr. Sergio Dasso

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