30 de November de 2017
2018 SCOSTEP Visiting Scholar Program– Call for Applications

From: Marianna Shepherd: mshepher@yorku.ca

The submission of applications for the 2018 SCOSTEP Visiting Scholarship is now open

The SCOSTEP Visiting Scholar (SVS) program is a capacity building activity of SCOSTEP (Scientific Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics), which complements the current scientific program, VarSITI (Variability of the Sun and its Terrestrial Impact, http://www.varsiti.org/) and SCOSTEP’s public outreach activities.

The objective of the SVS program is to provide training to young scientists and graduate students from developing countries in well-established solar terrestrial physics institutes, for one to three months. The training will help the young scientists to advance their career in solar terrestrial physics using the technique/skill they learned during the training. SCOSTEP will provide the airfare, while the host institute will provide the living expenses (accommodation, sustenance, ground transportation, visa fees and other incidentals). Trainees should have their own health insurance or arrange a provision with the host institution.

Applications will be accepted in two categories, Category 1 – graduate students (MSc, PhD), and Category 2 – Postdoctoral fellows (PDFs) with experience up to 5 years from date of graduation at the time of application.

Interested candidates should contact one of the SVS program hosts listed at http://www.yorku.ca/scostep/? page_id=2103, develop a project and work out the details of the visit. Once the applicant and the host agree on a visit, the applicant needs to prepare an application package including the following details of the visit: (i) work to be performed described in the form of a 2 page proposal; (ii) applicant’s curriculum vitae, (iii) dates of the visit and an estimate of the airfare in economy class; (iv) letter from the applicant’s supervisor, and (v) a recommendation letter from the host scientist/institution indicating that the proposed work will be mutually beneficial.

A single pdf file of the above materials and indicating the category (1 or 2) should be sent to SCOSTEP’s Scientific Secretary, Dr. Marianna G. Shepherd (mshepher@yorku.ca). Deadline for applications: February 25, 2018.

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