17 de July de 2018
Workshop FReSWeD 2019

Workshop FReSWeD 2019
Towards Future Research on Space Weather Drivers
July 2-7, 2019
San Juan, Argentina

Understanding and being able to forecast space weather is an increasingly important aspect of our modern technology-reliant society. This Workshop will promote the exchange of information in the area of space weather, from the point of view of the phenomena that drive it from its origin in the solar atmosphere, through its evolution in the interplanetary medium, to its arrival in geospace. Advanced understanding on space weather drivers is essential to improve predictability of the solar-terrestrial coupling.

Among the specific subjects that will be covered are:

-Solar sources, generation and development of dynamic events that determine space weather conditions.
-Coupling of solar atmospheric layers: data-driven models of the large scale corona and solar wind.
-Interplanetary counterparts of solar activity and its space weather consequences.
-Computational and observational tools for space weather forecasting.
-Space- and ground-based instrumentation with space weather applications.

The Workshop will include invited and contributed talks, posters, as well as joint discussions. The Workshop will be accompanied by a school with a mix of introductory tutorials, demos and hands-on labs.  These activities are geared towards students and young researchers who seek to gain a broad overview of space weather domains, concepts and tools/resources. 

This space weather Workshop and its associated school are being organized on the occasion of the total solar eclipse of 2019, whose totality path will cross five provinces of Argentina extending for more than 1200 km.

Further information can be found at:
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If you are interested in attending and would like to be on a pre-registration email list, please fill in the pre-registration form on our website above.

Hebe Cremades,  Cristina Mandrini, and  Carlos Francile,
On behalf of FReSWeD SOC and LOC

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