12 de June de 2019
SCAR Visiting Scholarship Scheme 2019

SCAR Visiting Scholarship Scheme 2019

SCAR is pleased to announce that the 2019 SCAR Visiting Scholar scheme is open for applications.

Deadline: 14th August 2019

SCAR Visiting Scholarships are for mid- to late-career stage scientists and academics (at least 5 years after completing their PhD) who are involved in Antarctic research, providing the opportunity for them to undertake a short-term visit (1 to 4 weeks) to an institute(s) in another SCAR member country, to provide training and mentoring. 

The core purpose of the Scheme is to build capacity in countries with smaller or less-developed Antarctic research programmes. Visits can be either to smaller and developing programmes or from smaller and developing programmes, so the capacity building process can be proposed in either way. The scheme is for any scientists and academics whose research contributes to SCAR’s objectives, as embodied in the Science Groups and Scientific Research Programmes. 

The scheme provides awards of up to USD $5000 each, covering the cost of an international return flight and some contribution towards living expenses for the visiting period. Full information on the scheme, including details of the application process and assessment criteria is available on the Visiting Scholar Detailed Information page.

The closing date for applications is Wednesday 14th August 2019.

Queries about the scheme should be sent to info@scar.org and an online form is available which can be used to ask questions about the application process, required documentation and eligibility etc. anonymously if preferred.

The Visiting Scholar Scheme is seen to complement the early-career SCAR Fellowship Scheme by providing scientists and academics with the opportunity to intensify collaboration amongst SCAR member countries and to contribute to SCAR’s objectives.

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