Dear ALAGE and COLAGE community,
We hope that this letter finds you and your families well in this process.
We would like to invite you to participate in the XII COLAGE 2021 that will be held ONLINE (in Chile) from November 22-26, 2021.
The conference will be free and the abstracts will be received until September 15, 2021. The final decision about Abstracts will be communicated before October 15, 2021.
The list of Scientific sessions are:
1. Solar physics, Heliosphere, cosmic rays
2. The solar wind
3. The sun-Earth interactions and space weather
4. Ionosphere and high atmosphere
5. Space plasma physics and nonlinear processes in space geophysics
We encourage female students and researchers to participate.
Also instrumentation deployment and machine learning applications in each session are particularly welcomed.
If for some reason, you want us to keep the same abstract you submitted during the COLAGE2020, please let us know.
Additional information, abstract format, etc., can be found in:
Finally, we want to extend a virtual hug to the ALAGE and COLAGE community.
Conveners and Scientific Committee:
Sergio Dasso, UBA, Argentina
Americo Gonzalez Esparsa, UNAM, Mexico
Clezio de Nardin, INPE, Brasil
Maria Graciela Molina, UNT, Argentina
Marina Stepanova, USACH, Chile
Cristina Mandrini, UBA, Argentina
Maria Sergeeva, UNAM, Mexico
Ramón Caraballo, UNAM, Mexico
Laysa Resende, INPE, Brazil
Abraham Chian, UAdelaide, Australia
Roberto Navarro, UDEC, Chile
Daniel Gomez, UBA, Argentina
Marco Milla, ROJ, IGP, Peru
Cristobal Espinoza, USACH, Chile
Juan Alejandro Valdivia, UCHILE, Chile
Local Organizing Committee:
Pablo Munoz, USERENA, Chile
Elias Ovalle, UDEC, Chile
Rodrigo Lopez, USACH, Chile
Natalia Romanova, USACH, Chile
ALAGE Directive
Juan Alejandro Valdivia, UChile-Chile,
Clezio Denardin, INPE-Brazil,
Américo González Esparza, UNAM-Mexico,
Maria Graciela Molina, UNT-Argentina,
Marina Stepanova, USACH-Chile,