21 de January de 2021
Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI GASS)

Dear Colleagues,

The General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI GASS) to be held in Rome, 28 August – 4 September, 2021, (https://www.ursi2021.org/) will take place in hybrid form, allowing both on-site and remote participation.   

We would like to call your attention to the session of Commission G: Radio Studies of Mid and Low Latitude Aeronomy. The description of this session is as follows:

Contrary to the low latitude ionosphere, the mid latitude region has been considered as quiet region with an easily predictable behavior. However,
recently, the dynamics of the mid latitude ionosphere have been deeply studied to observe and model the development of plasma instabilities (MSTIDs, Sporadic E-layer, etc). Moreover, the effect of MIT coupling and of the disturbances due to the interaction with the high latitude ionosphere (PPEF) and with the neutral atmosphere (DD), make the mid latitude ionosphere a complex system that deserves to be deeply investigated. This session welcome presentations dealing with the investigation of low and mid latitude instabilities using active and passive radio instruments during quiet and disturbed geomagnetic conditions. Studies on magnetic conjugate points by means of ground based and space born instrument network are encouraged. This includes E and F region coupling, computer simulation and modeling, climatological studies, ionospheric irregularities, neutral atmosphere processes and wave phenomena. The session also seeks presentations that
highlight the importance of install and maintain regional continuous network of multi-sensors stations to improve the capabilities of modelling small and large scale plasma instabilities at low and mid latitudes.

The deadline for submitting a paper is January 31, 2021, and Notification of acceptance is March 15, 2021. We look forward to receiving your contributions and thank you very much for your attention.


Conveners: M. Muella, C. Cesaroni, and C. Olwendo

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