Sad day for ALAGE community

Sad day for ALAGE community

Sad day for ALAGE  Dr Marcos Machado, former ALAGE’s president, passed away     Dear members of the International Space Community, We were deeply saddened to learn the passing away of Marcos Machado, and we would like to express our sincere...
Welcome to ALAGE official website

Welcome to ALAGE official website

Welcome to ALAGE official Website bringing together space geophysics scientist from Latin America ALAGE (Asociación Latino Americana de Geofísica Espacial) is a civil nonprofit association with the aims of providing a link between the...
[Outreach] National Science and Technology Week

[Outreach] National Science and Technology Week

National Science and Technology Week Qué pasa cuando el sol nos dispara? The aim of this event was to enhance the Education and Public Outreach regarding Space Weather, its effects on technologies and to promote carreers in Scince. On 07 September 2018 at...
Book “Fundamentals of Plasma Physics”

Book “Fundamentals of Plasma Physics”

Dear colleagues, Here I send the links to download (for free) the book “Fundamentos de Fisica de Plasma – 4ª Edição”.  Dr José Augusto Bittencourt( from Aeronomy divission in INPE is the author.Link to free download in...