Física Espacial en la RAUGM2018

Física Espacial en la RAUGM2018

Estimados colegas de ciencias espaciales: Están cordialmente invitados a participar en la Sesión de Física Espacial de la Reunión Anual de la Unión Geofísica Mexicana 2018 (RAUGM2018). El evento tendrá lugar del 28 de octubre al 2 de noviembre en el Hotel Sheraton...
Física Espacial en la RAUGM2018

Workshop FReSWeD 2019

Workshop FReSWeD 2019Towards Future Research on Space Weather DriversJuly 2-7, 2019San Juan, Argentina Understanding and being able to forecast space weather is an increasingly important aspect of our modern technology-reliant society. This Workshop will promote the...
Eclipse Call

Eclipse Call

Dear ALAGE members, In the following years, South America will experience two Total Solar Eclipses on Jul 02nd, 2019 and Dec 14th, 2020. The totality path will cross Chile and Argentina both times (Figure​ in attachment​) and a partial eclipse will...
15th Edition of the International Solar Wind Conference

15th Edition of the International Solar Wind Conference

Dear colleagues, dear friends, We are delighted to announce the 15th edition of the International Solar Wind Conference to be held from June 18 – 22, 2018 in Brussels, Belgium. The Conference will take place at the Hotel Métropole, the renowned venue of...