by alage | Apr 20, 2018 | Awards
Several awards for distinguished works and scientists were chosen by the ALAGE Awards Committee, in this opportunity the winners were: Ruth Gall Award: This award is given to a distinguished researcher who has collaborated significantly with more than one scientific...
by alage | Apr 10, 2018 | News
Dear colleagues, On behalf of the Latin American Association of Space Geophysics (ALAGE) we invite you to participate of the panel “New Programs in the Sun-Earth system”, which will be developed at 17:45 on Friday 20th April 2018, during the XI COLAGE to...
by alage | Feb 11, 2018 | News
Currently, the 56th General Assembly of the UN Copuos is being held in Vienna, Austria. ALAGE is present at the assembly where Dr. Alejando Valdivia (President) and Dr. Clezio (vice-president) are taking part of the activities by engaging in discussions about the use...
by alage | Nov 30, 2017 | News
The Latin American Conference on Space Geophysics (Congreso Latinoamericano de Geofísica Espacial, COLAGE) is organized every three years by the Latin American Association of Space Geophysics (Asociación Latinoamericana de Geofísica Espacial or...
by alage | Nov 30, 2017 | News
From: Marianna Shepherd: The submission of applications for the 2018 SCOSTEP Visiting Scholarship is now open The SCOSTEP Visiting Scholar (SVS) program is a capacity building activity of SCOSTEP (Scientific Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics),...