COSPAR D2.4/E3.4 Session

COSPAR D2.4/E3.4 Session

*COSPAR D2.4/E3.4 Session: Sun-Heliosphere Connection Events: Origin, Propagation, Impact and Prediction. Sydney, Australia, 15 – 22 August 2020* The study of solar transients (CMEs-ICMEs, flares, shocks, SEPs,  SIRs/CIRs) and how they impact on...
Post-Doctoral Position Opportunity – Brazilian CAPES Foundation at INPE (Brazil)

Announcements [Post-doc positions and SCOSTEP Awards]

Several announcements |Dear colleagues, Here we share several announcements (from SCOSTEP): [1] Post-doctoral vacancy at ISEE, Nagoya University has been opened at [2] post-doctoral vacancy at IIT(Department of Physics,Indian...