Space Climate 7 July 8-11, 2019 Quebec, Canada Dear Colleagues and Friends!We have the great pleasure to invite You to Space Climate 7to be held at Auberge Estrimont, Canton Orford, in the mountains east of Montreal, in Quebec, Canada, on...
CESRA Workshop 2019:” The Sun and the inner heliosphere”
CESRA Workshop 2019:" The Sun and the inner heliosphere” July 8th – 12th, 2019 Potsdam, Germany CESRA Workshop 2019: 1st announcement We are pleased to announce that the next CESRA Workshop, “CESRA2019: The Sun and the inner heliosphere” will be held...
2019 CERN Latin-American School of High-Energy Physics
2019 CERN Latin-American School of High-Energy Physics 13 to 26 March 2019 Villa General Belgrano, Córdoba Province, Argentina 2019 CERN Latin-American School of High-Energy Physics The School will be held near Villa General...
IAGA Summer School 2019
IAGA Summer School 2019 July 6- 11y 6, 2019, St. Hubert near Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The 4th IAGA School (see for more details: will be held from July 6 to 11, 2019 in St. Hubert near Montreal, Quebec, Canada,...
FReSWeD 2019 – Towards Future Research on Space Weather Drivers [3rd announcement]
THIRD ANNOUNCEMENTMeeting FReSWeD 2019Towards Future Research on Space Weather DriversJuly 2-7, 2019San Juan, Argentina This meeting will promote the exchange of information in the area of space weather, from the point of view of the phenomena that drive it from its...
IAU Symposium 354 “Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields: Origins and Manifestations”
IAU Symposium 354 "Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields: Origins and Manifestations"June 30 to July 6, 2019, Copiapo, Chile, in correspondence with thetotal solar eclipse of July 2, 2019. Recent observational results from space missions, such as the Solar Dynamics...
FReSWeD 2019 – Towards Future Research on Space Weather Drivers
FReSWeD 2019 Towards Future Research on Space Weather Drivers July 2-7 2019, San Juan, Argentina The goal of this meeting is to promote the exchange of information in the area of space weather from the point of view of the phenomena that drive it from its...
Sad day for ALAGE community
Sad day for ALAGE Dr Marcos Machado, former ALAGE's president, passed away Dear members of the International Space Community, We were deeply saddened to learn the passing away of Marcos Machado, and we would like to express our sincere...
Welcome to ALAGE official website
Welcome to ALAGE official Website bringing together space geophysics scientist from Latin America ALAGE (Asociación Latino Americana de Geofísica Espacial) is a civil nonprofit association with the aims of providing a link between the...