Asociación LatinoAmericana de Geofísica Espacial

The Latin American Association of Space Geophysics or Asociación Latinoamericana de Geofísica Espacial (ALAGE) is committed to fostering connections and collaboration among Space Geophysics research groups across Latin America. ALAGE actively promotes communication and cooperative efforts to strengthen the region’s research network.
Every three years, ALAGE organizes the Latin American Conference on Space Geophysics (COLAGE). The next COLAGE will be held in Arequipa, Peru, in 2026.
Scientific Research at ALAGE

Space Plasma Physics and Nonlinear Processes in Space Geophysics

Solar Physics, Heliosphere, Cosmic Rays

Solar Wind and Magnetosphere

The Ionosphere and Upper Atmosphere

Space weather, monitoring and forecasting

Others Related Fields
International Links
International Links
ISWI (International Space Weather Initiative)
página web
COSPAR (Committee on Space Research)
página web
SCOSTEP (Scientific Committee on Solar Terrestrial Physics)
página web
SCAR (Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research)
página web
LAGO Collaboration (Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research)
página web
AGU (Advancing Earth and Space Science)
página web
EGU (European Geosciences Union)
página web
(International Space Weather Initiative)
(Committee on Space Research)
(Scientific Committee on Solar Terrestrial Physics)
(Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research)
LAGO Collaboration
(Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research)
(Advancing Earth and Space Science)
(European Geosciences Union)
Latest News
Special Issue in Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics (JASTP)
We are pleased to announce that the webpage for the Special Issue “Recent Advances in Space Geophysics including COLAGE” in the Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics (JASTP) is now open for submissions. Please visit the landing page...
New ALAGE directive Board
During the XIII COLAGE, the ALAGE general assembly, held on 3rd December 2022, voted for the next directive committee. We congratulate the new ALAGE directive board: President: Dr. Americo Gonzalez Esparza - LANCE-IGEF, UNAM - Mexico Vice-president: Dr. María Graciela...
In Memoriam: Patricia Doherty
Patricia (Pat) Doherty has been an important force in the space physics community with strong ties to the ALAGE community. She has been a distinguished scientist committed to fostering students and young researchers to get involved in space science and has helped our...
check out all the bulletins here
All Bulletins
Bulletin 41 - April-May 2024
Bulletin 40 - November-December 2022
Summary of General Assembly - Presentation - Assembly video
Bulletin 39 - Year 24, November 2019
Bulletin 38 - Year 22, May 2015
Bulletin 37 - Year 20, November 2013
Bulletin 36 - Year 19, August 2012
Bulletin 35 - Year 19, February 2012
Bulletin 34 - Year 18, May 2011
Bulletin 33 - Year 16, June 2009
Bulletin 32 - Year 15, October 2008
Bulletin 31 - Year 15, March 2008
Bulletin 30 - Year 14, April 2007
Bulletin 29 - Year 13, September 2006
Bulletin 28 - Year 13, April 2006
Bulletin 27 - Year 12, December 2005
Bulletin 26 - Year 12, August 2005
Bulletin 25 - Year 12, April 2005
Bulletin 24 - Year 11, September 2004
Bulletin 23 - Year 11, May 2004
Bulletin 22 - February 2004
Bulletin 21 - December 2003
Bulletin 20 - Our Failure
Bulletin 19 - Year 10, April 2003
Bulletin 18 - Year 9, October 2002
Bulletin 17 - Year 9, Number 17, April 2002
Bulletin 16 - Year 8, Number 16, October 2001
Bulletin 15 - Year 8, Number 15, April 2001
Bulletin 14 - Year 7, Number 14, October 2000
Bulletin 13 - Year 7, Number 13, April 2000
Bulletin 12 - Year 6, Number 12, October 1999
Bulletin 11 - Year 6, Number 11, March 1999
Bulletin 10 - Year 5, Number 10, October 1998
Bulletin 09 - Year 5, Number 9, April 1998
Bulletin 08 - Year 4, Number 8, December 1997
Bulletin 01 - A Retrospective of VI COLAGE