Asociación LatinoAmericana de Geofísica Espacial 

The Latin American Association of Space Geophysics or Asociación Latinoamericana de Geofísica Espacial (ALAGE) is committed to fostering connections and collaboration among Space Geophysics research groups across Latin America. ALAGE actively promotes communication and cooperative efforts to strengthen the region’s research network.

Every three years, ALAGE organizes the Latin American Conference on Space Geophysics (COLAGE). The next COLAGE will be held in Arequipa, Peru, in 2026.

Scientific Research at ALAGE

Space Plasma Physics and Nonlinear Processes in Space Geophysics

Solar Physics, Heliosphere, Cosmic Rays

Solar Wind and Magnetosphere

The Ionosphere and Upper Atmosphere

Space weather, monitoring and forecasting

Others Related Fields

International Links
International Links

ISWI (International Space Weather Initiative)
página web

COSPAR (Committee on Space Research)
página web

SCOSTEP (Scientific Committee on Solar Terrestrial Physics)
página web

SCAR (Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research)
página web

LAGO Collaboration (Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research)
página web

AGU (Advancing Earth and Space Science)
página web

EGU (European Geosciences Union)
página web


(International Space Weather Initiative)


(Committee on Space Research)


(Scientific Committee on Solar Terrestrial Physics)


(Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research)

LAGO Collaboration

(Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research)


(Advancing Earth and Space Science)


(European Geosciences Union)

Latest News

Next ISWI WEBINAR SERIES: 29th June, 2022

Dear Colleagues, We are pleased to announce the next ISWI Seminar by Dr. Pertti Mäkelä scheduled for June 29th at 3 PM Central European Time (9 AM EDT; 6:30 PM IST). To register for this virtual seminar, please send an email...

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Next ISWI WEBINAR SERIES: 25th May, 2022

Dear Colleagues, We are pleased to announce the next ISWI Seminar by Dr Mark Moldwin scheduled for May 25th at 3 PM Central European Time (9 AM EDT; 6:30 PM IST). To register for this virtual seminar, please send an email to: Please include “ISWI...

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