XIV COLAGE – Conferencia Latinoamericana de Geofísica Espacial
Total Solar Eclipse Mexico
Monterrey, NL, Mexico
8-13 April 2024
The Asociación Latinoamericana de Geofísica Espacial (ALAGE /
https://alage.org/ ) is an autonomous scientific society that aims to
foster research development in Space Geophysics, leveraging human
resources, cultural unity and similar economic conditions in Latin
America. ALAGE seeks to complement the activities of existing regional
geophysical organizations.
One of ALAGE’s main activities is the periodic organization of
meetings attended by scientists working in the ALAGE areas of
interest. These meetings, known as Conferencia Latinoamericana de
Geofísica Espacial (COLAGE), have been held in various locations:
Brazil (1988), Mexico (1991), Cuba (1993), Argentina (1996), Costa
Rica (1998), Chile (2001), Brazil (2004), Mexico (2007), Costa Rica
(2011), Peru (2014), Argentina (2018), Chile (2021, online), and
Brazil (2022).
The XIV COLAGE will take place in Monterrey, NL, Mexico, at the
Library Raúl Rangel Frias-UANL (https://goo.gl/maps/NQJ1C3DUtCh6YQdq8)
from 9-13 April on the occasion of the Total Solar Eclipse in Mexico
in 2024 (https://www.rice.unam.mx/colage2024/index.php/eclipse-2024/).
Please fill out the pre-registration form:
Headquarters hotel:
Holiday Inn Monterrey North
Av Universidad 101 Nte., Col. Anahuac
San Nicolás de los Garza, N.L.
T: +52 (81) 8158-00-14
Contact: Jennifer Vielma
Mail; ventas4@mtymx.com.mx
Reservation Code: XIV COLAGE
08 – 13 APRIL 2024
The rate is USD 85.00 plus tax. (INCLUDES BUFFET BREAKFAST)
Single and double room (2 PAX)
Important Deadlines:
Total Solar Eclipse: Monday, 8 April 2024
Web page open for abstract submission: 1 August 2023
Deadline for abstract submission: 8 January 2024
Web page open for preregistration: 30 June 2023
Web page open for early registration: 1 August 2023
Web page open for standard registration: 1 November
Web page open for application for travel support: 1 August 2023
Deadline for application for travel support: 1 December 2023
As optional, there is a trip to observe the Total Solar Eclipse in
Cuatro Cienegas, Coahuila, one day before the beginning of the
conference (leaving Monterrey on Sunday 7th, and coming back to
Monterrey on Monday 8th, after the eclipse)
Open for booking the eclipse trip to Cuatro Ciénegas: TBA
Deadline for booking the eclipse trip to Cuatro Ciénegas: TBA
Contributed and invited talks will be organized in the following
scientific sessions:
Scientific Organizing Committee:
J. Américo González Esparza (LANCE-UNAM) (americo@igeofisica.unam.mx)
1. Space weather
Graciela Molina (UNT-Argentina) (gmolina@herrera.unt.edu.ar)
Yairesca Collado (NASA-USA) (yaireska.m.colladovega@nasa.gov)
Clezio Marcos De Nardin (INPE-Brazil) (clezio.denardin@inpe.br)
2. The Ionosphere and Upper Atmosphere
Maria Sergeeva (LANCE-UNAM-Mexico) (maria.a.sergeeva@gmail.com)
Laysa Cristina Araújo Resende (INPE-Brazil) (laysa.resende@inpe.br)
Danny Scipión Castillo (ROJ-Peru) (dscipion@igp.gob.pe)
Ana Georgina Elias (UNT-Argentina) (aelias@herrera.unt.edu.ar)
3. Solar Physics, Heliosphere, Cosmic Rays
Hebe Cremades (UM & CONICET-Argentina) (hebe.cremades@frm.utn.edu.ar)
José Valdés Galicia (LANCE-UNAM) (jfvaldes@igeofisica.unam.mx)
Ernesto Aguilar-Rodriguez (LANCE-UNAM-Mexico) (ernesto@igeofisica.unam.mx)
4. Solar Wind, Magnetosphere, and Geomagnetism
Ramón López (UTA-USA) (relopez@uta.edu)
Marina Stepanova (USACH-Chile) (marina.stepanova@usach.cl)
Sergio Dasso (UBA-Argentina) (dasso@df.uba.ar)
Ligia Alves da Silva (INPE-Brazil) (ligia.alves01@gmail.com)
5. Space Plasma Physics and Nonlinear Processes in Space Geophysics
Juan A. Valdivia (UCHILE-Chile) (alejo@uchile.cl)
Pablo Ariel Dmitruk (UBA-Argentina) (pdmitruk@df.uba.ar)
Abraham Chian (abrahamchian@gmail.com)
International Space Sciences School (ISSS)
Historically, ALAGE has also promoted schools associated with COLAGE.
The International Space Science School (ISSS) will take place from
April 5 to 7, 2024, at the same venue as the XIV COLAGE. The school
aims to provide knowledge and training in Space Sciences for
undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral candidates worldwide, covering
topics such as the Sun and Solar Activity, Interplanetary Medium and
Solar Wind, Magnetosphere, Ionosphere, Upper Atmosphere, Planetary
Sciences, and Space Weather.
ISSS Organizing Committee:
Esmeralda Romero Hernández (LANCE-UANL) (esmeralda.romerohdz@uanl.edu.mx)
Julio Mejía Ambriz (LANCE-UNAM) (jcmejia@geofisica.unam.mx)
Mario Rodriguez (LANCE-UNAM) (mrodriguez@enesmorelia.unam.mx)
Luis Xavier González M. (LANCE-UNAM) (xavier@igeofisica.unam.mx)
For further details on the XIV COLAGE, please visit:
COLAGE email address: colage2024@igeofisica.unam.mx