21 de October de 2020
WEB SCHOOL on “Dynamical Systems and Machine Learning Approaches to Sun-Earth Relations”

WEB SCHOOL on “Dynamical Systems and Machine Learning Approaches to
Sun-Earth Relations”

We inform you that the course of The International School of Space Science on “Dynamical Systems and Machine Learning Approaches to Sun-Earth Relations directed by G. Consolini and D. Del Moro, originally
excepted on June 2020 in L’Aquila, will be held on line on 1 – 5 February, 2021.

The course is devoted to young researchers and PhD students and will provide an introduction and an overview of the recent theoretical, numerical and data analysis advances in the framework of dynamical
systems and machine learning approaches to the characterisation and the modelling of Sun-Earth’s relations.
The dynamics of the Sun strongly affects the interplanetary and circumterrestrial environment, causing phenomena that have a great impact on the anthropic activities. In the past, the response of the
Earth’s magnetosphere-ionosphere system to the changes of the solar wind and interplanetary conditions due to the solar activity has been widely investigated showing that the dynamics of the coupled solar
wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere (SMI) system resembles that of a complex system displaying scale invariant features, turbulence and a near-criticality behaviour. On the other hand, in the framework of
dynamical systems, several new tools and methods have been proposed to quantify and characterise the dynamical complexity and its role in nonlinear out-of-equilibrium dynamical systems. Furthermore, the
modelling of the complex dynamics of the SMI system, as such as some features of the solar activity has been shown to benefit from the recent advances in the field of machine learning techniques.

Applications are due before November 29, 2020.

For more information visit http://www.cifs-isss.org/ or send an e-mail
to ssc@aquila.infn.it.


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