Being part of the Latin American community and connecting with various research groups
Membership types
Scientists engaged in space geophysics who either reside in a Latin American country or conduct research relevant to the region are eligible for membership. Approval is granted by the Directive Board based on the candidate’s individual application.
Graduate students approved by the Directive Board based on recommendations of Regular Members.
Internationally renowned scientists who have demonstrated a strong interest in programs relevant to Latin America in their respective countries may be nominated by the Directive Board and approved by the General Assembly.
Institutions or individuals who have made significant contributions in terms of funding and support for the administration and/or activities of ALAGE may be proposed by the Directive Board and designated by the General Assembly.
The Latinamerican Association of Space Geophysics (ALAGE) governance is explained in its statutes
How to become a member:
If you want to become an ALAGE member please fill the form or contact the Information secretary.